19th Euroconference on Apoptosis “Metabolism, Epigenetics and Cell Death”
8th Training course on 'Concepts and Methods in Programmed Cell Death'
September 14-17, 2011
Stockholm, Sweden

Payment information

Registration fees

Payment of the conference registration fee can be made

  • by bank transfer
    All bank information is visualised at the end of the online registration form.
  • by credit card (Amex, Eurocard/Mastercard, VISA; secured line)
    Accessible at the end of the online registration form

ECDO membership fee

Please note that the ECDO membership fee 2011 needs to be paid to the account below, which is different from the account for the payment of the conference registration fee. Payment of the ECDO membership fees can be done either by bank tranfer or by credit card.
  • by bank transfer:
    Please transfer the appropriate amount, net of bank charges, to the following account:
    IBAN-code: BE20 0014 1148 1756
    BIC-code: GEBABEBB
    account number: 001-4114817-56 (for Belgian members)

    Name and address of the account holder:
    Technologiepark 927
    B-9052 Gent (Zwijnaarde)

    Name and address of the bank:
    Fortis Bank, Heerweg Noord 14, B-9052 Gent (Zwijnaarde)
    with reference: ECDO membership 2011 - your name

  • by creditcard (VISA, EC/MC)
    Please fill in the credit card payment form and fax it to +32-9-3313511. Payments by cheque are not accepted.